+49 (0)7635/82715-0 kontakt@mehlhose.de

dmd Patch Repair Set

Super fast repair of holes up to 100mm deep in floors with heavy traffic.

  • 2-component repair mix
  • Consisting of concrete and hardener
  • Colour: grey
  • 25kg unit




  • for shallow or deep holes (5mm up to maximum 100mm)
  • very quick load resistant
  • self-levelling
  • durable permanent bond to substrate material starting at a thickness of 3mm
  • dust-free
  • Polymer modified, therefore twice as firm as usual concrete
  • wide temperature range
  • very high load capacity
  • easy to coat
  • priming not necessary
  • coverage rate 25kg for approx. 2,5m2 at 5mm thickness
  • 3mm to 15mm depth
  • curing time approximately 2 hours depending on temperature
  • can be walked on after approximately 6 hours, installation temperature of +5°C up to +30°C
  • Installation conditions – substrate must be dry and not in direct sunlight
  • processing time after mixing up to 5-10 minutes at 20°C


  • for fast repair of holes up to 15mm deep in concrete floors
  • for internal and external areas
  • for heavy traffic (e.g. forklift)

Additional information



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