+49 (0)7635/82715-0 kontakt@mehlhose.de

dmd exterior anti-slip floor coat

  • 2-component system
  • Polymer-cement-based with aluminium oxide and hardener
  • solvent-free
  • colour: white-grey




  • very easy to use, no specialist knowledge required
  • simple application with a paint roller or a trowel
  • excellent adhesion on almost all floor inside and outside
  • can even be applied on already coated substrates (multiple coating possible)
  • single up to triple coating depending on intensity of use
  • flexible (movement of the substrate absorbed)
  • slip resistant surface, R13 (ASR A1.5/1,2)
  • impenetrable
  • UV-stable
  • easy to clean
  • application rate 17kg unit for approx. 9m<sup>2</sup>
  • can be walked on and re-coated after approximately 6 hours
  • load resistant after 12-24 hours depending on temperature and humidity
  • complete chemical curing time 7-10 days
  • installation temperature +10°C to +30°C
  • installation conditions – substrate must be well swept and oil-free
  • no priming required
  • can be applied on slightly wet backgrounds


  • for light to medium traffic in commercial and industrial units of all kinds
  • for indoor and outdoor areas
  • warehouses without forklift traffic
  • slopes and ramps
  • parking lots
  • outdoor facilities and paths
  • sports fields and playgrounds

Additional information



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