+49 (0)7635/82715-0 kontakt@mehlhose.de

dmd Epoxy Floor Coatings standard

  • 2-component epoxy resin system
  • Consisting of epoxy resin and hardener
  • Water-based (solvent-free)
  • Colours: grey and light grey




  • very easy to use, no specialist knowledge required
  • self-levelling after application with a paint roller
  • excellent adhesion on concrete, stone and wood floors
  • can even be applied on already coated substrates (multiple coating possible)
  • one coat is enough for light traffic
  • creates an attractive gloss finish
  • durable and long lasting
  • dust-free
  • impenetrable
  • odour-free
  • easy to clean
  • resistant to oils, fuels and lubricants, solvents and cleaning agents
  • resistant to chemicals – dilute acids, bases, salt and sugar
  • resistant to most bacteria
  • improves hardness of concrete floors
  • can be applied on to fresh concrete after 7 days
  • priming necessary, see Accessories
  • application rate 5kg for 30-40m2
  • can be walked on and re-coated after approximately 12 hours
  • load resistant after 24-36 hours depending on temperature and humidity
  • complete chemical curing time 7 days
  • installation temperature +10°C to +30°C
  • installation conditions – substrate must be dry, clean, free of dust and grease
  • processing time after mixing maximum 90 minutes


  • for light to medium traffic in commercial and industrial units of all kinds
  • smaller storage facilities without forklift traffic
  • manufacturing facilities
  • shops
  • showrooms and exhibition halls
  • food industry
  • diaries, breweries, bakeries, butcher shops and slaughterhouses


Additional information



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